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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Data Analysis @ 7:31 AM

We used SPSS software to tabulate our data and analyse them
*image cropped due to space constraint

Since both are scale data, the statistical tests chosen were scatter plot and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

Null Hypothesis : There is no significant relationship between the number of petals on a Mangosteen and its number of sections of flesh inside.

Hypothesis : There is a significant relationship between the number of petals on a Mangosteen and its number of sections of flesh inside.


•From the scatter plot above, the scatter appears to follow a general positive linear trend.

•There is no violation of the linearity assumption

•The graph indicates a positive linear relationship between the number of petals on a Mangosteen and its number of sections of flesh inside.

•Now the question is how strong is this relation? Since the relationship is a linear one and both variables are scale data, we shall look at the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.



From the results obtained from SPSS above, based on the number of valid cases which is 100, the Pearson’s R coefficient is 1. It indicates a very positive and strong relationship between the number of petals on a Mangosteen and its number of sections of flesh inside.

Findings :
p = 0.0005
p > 0.05, reject null hypothesis
therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between the number of petals on a Mangosteen and its number of sections of flesh inside.

Null Hypothesis : There is no significant relationship between the weight of a Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.

Hypothesis : There is a significant relationship between the weight of a Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.


•From the scatter plot above, the scatter appears to follow a general positive linear trend.

•There is no violation of the linearity assumption

•The graph indicates a positive linear relationship between the weight of a Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.

•Now the question again is, how strong is this relation? Since the relationship is a linear one and both variables are scale data, we shall look at the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.


*image cropped due to space constraint


Using SPSS to obtain the results above, based on the number of valid cases which is 100, the Pearson’s R coefficient is 0.786. It indicates a positive and strong relationship between the weight of a Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.

Findings :
p = 0.0005
p > 0.05, reject null hypothesis
therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between the weight of a Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.