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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Research Topic and Hypothesis Page @ 6:57 AM

From these above questions and observations, we have embarked on a study to ascertain if
1) the number of petals on a Mangosteen corresponds to its number of sections of flesh and
2) the weight of a Mangosteen is related to its weight of the flesh.

•Choosing of variables.
Many factors were taken into consideration when it came to the data collection. Factors such as the size of the Mangosteen and even the weight of the seeds. Most of these data were collected for the record tracing purpose in case some of the data turns out to be erroneous or extremely skewed and we want to find out what went wrong.

Evidently from our two research topics, the most important variables are the no. of petals on a Mangosteen, the sections of its flesh, the weight of the Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.


Choosing of sample study.

We decided to set sample size at 100 Mangosteens and 5 of us will provide 20 Mangosteens each. This way, we were able buy Mangosteens from different places so to ensure the randomness of the type of Mangosteens found in different fruit stalls. Hence there will be increased accuracy in this study.

The Two Testable Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis (H0) : There is no significant relationship between the number of petals on a Mangosteen and its number of sections of flesh inside.

Hypothesis : There is a significant relationship between the number of petals on a Mangosteen and its number of sections of flesh inside.

Null Hypothesis : There is no significant relationship between the weight of a Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.

Hypothesis : There is a significant relationship between the weight of a Mangosteen and the weight of its flesh.

Test of Significance Level
If p value ≤ 0.01, reject null hypothesis
If p value > 0.01, null hypothesis should not be rejected

•Data originated from a random sample
•Data are interval/ratio
•Both variables are distributed normally
•There is a linear relationship